Get all of your Back-to-School items on pencils.com...We offer great products at competitive prices! Just a few clicks away from completing your school shopping for the rest of the year! Our new site will very soon and we hope you check it out...
Pencils.com is extremely close to launching a brand new user-friendly website. The launch should blast off within the next week or so. If you would like to stay up-to-date with all of the action on pencils.com, become a fan of 'The Pencil Page' on Facebook or follow us under our username pencilscom on Twitter! We are going to be having a number of Promotions in the coming months along with new and exciting 'Featured Artist Lessons' and 'Featured Writer Tips'. Our store provides the highest quality products for great prices. We have everything that a student could want and all of the best pencils for aspiring artists and writers. We hope you come check out our new site soon!