Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Shade Across a Drawing

Shading a face is challenging . . . the hair, the chin, the eyes. Trickier still can be shading a face across the entire page. Let me explain.

To understand how to shade a face (or any subject for that matter) across the entire page, just answer one question. In the following example, the strongest light comes from the front-top-left. How does answering this question help you understand?

Knowing that the strongest light comes from the front-top-left tells you where the lightest part of the entire drawing is—the top left! Any point closest to the strongest light source is always brightest, even if you can’t discern that with your naked eye. And since light travels in a straight line here on earth, the side opposite that brightest spot (where the light hits your subject last) will be the darkest—the bottom right! You can see what I mean in this example, where I've shaded the paper without the face.

Now I put the two examples together. The face goes from having been shaded, to having been shaded across the entire page.

Shading across an entire page can get even trickier. For instance, what if there were more than one light source? What if there were more than one subject? And what if these subjects were different distances from the viewer? I'll be writing about these later!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pencil- Highly benefitting thing near to you. For more details at http://tinyurl.com/29tmp8q

Pencil- Highly benefitting thing near to you

"Pencil" the first ever writing instrument you held on your hand as a child. Whether it's a great educationist or scientist, everyone learned alphabets and numbers with a single pencil. What is the first thing you take in your hand when you need to describe or mark something? Obviously, it would be a pencil. A child’s educational career begins with a pencil. We generally describe pencil as an example for a simple thing. They are easy to hold and considered to be the cheapest writing material that the world had ever seen.

Have you ever imagined that without a pencil how the world would be? Art would not have emerged, without the invention of pencil. Right from Da Vinci to Picasso, they started their artistic career with a pencil. It is also estimated that with a single ordinary pencil, you could draw a line of 35 miles long and write an average of 45,000 words. It has become a dominant thing in our day to day life. It is predicted on average that each of us need the assistance of a pencil at least once in a day. They are usually used in the field of art, education, communication and design.

Pencils, being the greatest technological inventions of all time, are used by people in several fields. In addition to school and college students, pencils are commonly used by writers, news reporters, engineers, carpenters, composers, scientists, teachers, business people, parents and more. Now-a-days pencils come in different heights and styles that could get the attraction of small children. The craze and demand for colored pencils has never gone down among kids.

Pencils.com adds NEW Earth-Friendly Items

Pencils.com has expanded our range of environmentally responsible pencils and notebooks with the addition of several new products from Green Apple and Banana Paper to complement our existing “Green Product” offerings under our ForestChoice brand of FSC Certified wood pencils.

Green Apple is an Earth friendly pencil produced from Genuine Incense-Cedar wood grown in the forests of California and Oregon. Our two new Green Apple pencils include a 10-count ergonomic triangular #2 pencil pack as well as their 4-count Jumbo Highlighter hex pencils. The triangular pencils are produced from finger-jointed wood slats reclaimed from the slat manufacturing process to reduce waste. The dry text liner pencils have four attractive colors and are a safe and non-toxic means for highlighting your reading materials. Both pencils have a natural wood surface and are paint-free. Green Apple has a growing range of Earth-Friendly school supplies that Pencils.com hopes to add over time to further expand our selection of environmentally friendly products. All Green Apple packaging is made from recycled paperboard.

The Banana Paper Company produces environmentally friendly tree-free, acid-free, natural paper and paper products. These products - produced in Costa Rica - are made using tropical agricultural wastes reclaimed from traditional production of items such as: Bananas, coffee and pineapple. The paper used in these products is made from 80% post-consumer waste fiber and 20% banana leaf fibers and requires 70-80% less energy to manufacture than virgin fiber paper. The Banana Paper Company is based on the belief that human growth and the well-being of our environment can be attained in a sustainable way. Banana paper designs and manufactures all of their banana paper and banana paper products all the way from its raw materials to the shelf.

The initial Banana Paper items now available on pencils.com include:

-Banana Paper Notebook, Kraft Fauna Collection

(4 Cover options)

-Butterfly, Monkey, Dolphin & Toads

-Banana Paper Journal, Sketches Collection

(2 Cover options)

-Red Hummingbird & Green Frog

We have also added a new Maped Natural Eraser product.

We at Pencils.com are excited to expand our offerings of earth friendly pencils and writing supplies to build upon our longstanding company commitment exemplified by our ForestChoice product range. For more about our company’s dedication to produce and market environmentally responsible products, Click here.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/14-10/17 'Just Because' SALE!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Pencils.com is giving away a Pink Kum 2-hole pencil sharpener with the minimum purchase of two 12-packs of our Breast Cancer pencils. This offer also applies for order a minimum of 1 bulk of the Breast Cancer pencils. A portion of the proceeds will go towards Breast Cancer Research. Help the cause and purchase your Breast Cancer pencils! This offer is only good through Sunday, so buy your pencils today!

Promotional Code: FREE SHARPENER

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drawing Rocks

Here is the reference photo in color that we will be using for the rest of this tutorial. A grayscale photo can help to match the tones, but color helps in the details.

Diane Wright is a very talented artist that will be posting more of her tutorials on pencils.com over time! Visit her website for more tutorials or you can buy her book on landscaping. She has 2 blogs that she updates regularly (here and here) and allows commenting...feel free to ask her any questions that you may have.

Step 1

We are going to draw the large boulder on the left. I start with a 2B pencil and sketch in the darkest areas. The lighter areas are sketched in using an F lead weight. Using short random marks, I concentrate on the indents and shadowed areas. Be sure to draw in all of the darkest areas in this step (I will explain further in the third step)

Step 2

Once you have the preliminary details drawn, use the clutch pencil with a chisel edge to apply a smooth even layer over the surface. The lighter areas I use the 4H, and use 2H in the shadowed areas. Remember the planes and angles for lighting.

Step 3

Now the fun starts! Using a softer lead in the mechanical pencil, start creating the texture! I use random short marks to create pits and a rough surface. That's right; use a softer lead over the harder lead. We all know that using softer lead over harder lead creates a very uneven surface. But it works wonders in creating a random, uneven texture for rocks.

The chisel edge is important as it creates a flat wide mark. To create a chisel edge, use sandpaper; angle your pencil and scrub!

Using these harder leads may be new to some of you, but they create wonderful light values that otherwise would be very difficult to achieve.

Continue building and layering. Use the Blu-Tack to create subtle highlights. Press the Blu-Tack onto an area and lift the graphite off. Use the battery-operated eraser to create small strong highlights.

I mentioned in step 1 to be sure you have all your darkest areas drawn before you proceed onto step 2. The reason should be obvious. Once the harder lead is laid down, you will not be able to achieve those rich blacks!

Here is my completed rock study...

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Man It Feels Good to be a Pencil"

Sean Sanczel has created a new Pencilman video! I never realized the amount of musical talent that Pencilman had until today. Great animation by Sean! It's always fun to see a new Pencilman video. Check out more of his Sean's videos on youtube. Maybe the Pencilman will meet the Palomino Blackwing in the future! Thanks Sean...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Chris LaPorte- 2010 ArtPrize Winner!

Yesterday in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Chris LaPorte became a rich man. Chris was the winner of the 2010 ArtPrize contest. Chris' 28-foot wide drawing of a group of 1921 American officers helped him bring in a $250,000 prize. Over 450,000 people voted over the past couple of weeks to determine the winner. Chris must have an unbelievable amount of passion to draw with the amount of detail that he did. This drawing took him around 800 hours to complete! Imagine sitting down for over a month straight with a few graphite pencils and creating this amazing and historic artwork. It is breathtaking.

"Drawing is always cool--no matter what your age or background," stated Chris (www.artprize.org, 2010). That is the complete truth. Although not everyone has the talent that Chris has, it can still be extremely enjoyable to sit down and turn a plain piece of paper into a masterpiece. The time and effort that was put into this artwork is truly amazing. Our congratulations goes out to Chris for his special feat.

Pencils.com 'Featured Artist' Brian Duey also competed in ArtPrize 2010. His drawing of a broken Jack Daniels bottle looks like it could be a photo. Brian has the talent and know-how to masterfully create an object as simple as a bottle and make people turn their heads. We look forward to many more interesting drawings from Brian in the future.

I am convinced that Armin Mersmann's drawing is nothing more than a photograph of a tree. The amount of tiny branches that he drew is just crazy! He made every last portion of this drawing look as if I can actually touch the tree. Very realistic!

Here at pencils.com we would like to commend everyone that entered ArtPrize 2010. Pencil art continues to maintain its popularity even as we move into a more and more technologically driven era. Graphite pencil realism especially is acquiring more followers as time passes. We thank everyone for participating and we hope that we can continue to view these amazing pieces of art in the future.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. About 1 in 8 women in the United States (between 12% and 13%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. In 2010, an estimated 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 54,010 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer. Breast cancer also occurs in men (at a much lower rate). Less than 1% of new breast cancer cases are diagnosed in men (Statistics retrieved from www.breastcancer.org, 2010).

Obviously, breast cancer is a problem that plagues people all over the world. The death rate has decreased every year since 1991. We have been making strides for nearly 2 decades and hopefully, with enough hard work and determination, we can completely cure breast cancer.

Here at pencils.com, we are dedicated to helping breast cancer research. We now have two models of breast cancer pencils available. "Fight Like a Girl, Knock out Breast Cancer" and "Erase Breast Cancer" are the two slogans on our pencils. A percentage of the proceeds made from the sales of these pencils will go towards Breast Cancer Research. These pencils are being offered in 12-packs or in bulk (144 pencils).

Please do your part and help the cause, purchase your breast cancer pencils today.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blackwing Project: Take 1

Here at Pencils.com we are pleased to introduce Take 1 of our newly established Blackwing Project. The Blackwing Project is a new collaboration with artists, writers, musicians and fans of the Blackwing pencil to share creative inspiration enabled by or associated with our new Palomino Blackwing pencil. The goal is to produce a series of fun visuals and videos demonstrating art, music, photography, video content, prose and/or poetry associated with the Blackwing pencil.

Take 1 is more properly titled "The Blackwing is Back" and is just an initial effort I put together with my own limited skills in PowerPoint and Movie Maker with some of artistic contributions we have available today from several of our devoted fans (see credits & links below). I hope you enjoy this first effort which is more of a Palomino Blackwing advertisement focused on promoting the fact that we've now launched sales, some of the most popular uses of the pencils, a few of the famous Blackwing users throughout time and that the product is available for purchase at the Pencils.com store. Future editions will be much more completely devoted to artistic creativity of our Palomino Blackwing fans. Special thanks to the following artistic and photographic contributors:

Diane Wright, Pencils.com Featured Artist

Lisa Laughy, Ninth Wave Designs

John Celestri, Grace Animation Studios

Sean Malone, The Blackwing Pages

Joey Gilbreath, art student

And particularly to my friend and talented musician Christian Tamburr and the CT Trio for sharing his original composition "Blues for Chu" and his great talent on the vibes. I'm just sorry we didn't have enough content to support playing the whole number in this video.

The Blackwing Project videos will be broadcast through our new Pencilscom YouTube Channel as well as our Pencils.com 'What's New' blog, The Pencil Page on Facebook, our Twitter feed, etc. Full creative credit for contributions of each individual will be acknowledged with appropriate links to artist websites where appropriate. If you are interested in participating in the Blackwing Project and gaining a broader audience for your work please contact us by e-mail at blackwingproject@pencils.com to share your interest, ideas and creative contributions.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Reviving the Blackwing: First Day Sales Update

First of all I want to express my personal appreciation to all of you who have shown interest in the new Palomino Blackwing thus far and are now supporting us with your orders on our first day of this new product sales on Pencils.com. We also received a nice bit of publicity today from the Boston Globe, in the multiple forms of an article as well as a video post from Globe Columnist Alex Beam.

The sweet music to our ears is that we are well ahead of the inital projections I had made for the opening 24-48 hours. At this point we essentially met my initial forecast for that period within the first 12 hours of sales. Our small Pencils.com team in our home office is busy focusing on completing and shipping as many of these orders as we can accomplish today since we want to do our best to maintain our normally high standard of prompt shipments. I appreciate the patience of some of you who will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday for our shipments to go out as we just won't be able to get all the orders out today.

I need to especially thank our core Pencils.com team Paula, Dave, Joey and Philip for all thier hard work in preparing for the Palomino Blackwing launch. As well as Vincent for his assistance on the supply side with both our Japanese producer and our sales agent team in Tokyo. Without this groups dedicated and collective commitment we would never have been able to experience such a strong initial launch today.

I fully expect the initial rush of orders to taper off after a day or so. However, it's clear we'll be needing to make an additional expedited airshipment from the balance of our intial production run presently being completed in Japan. Otherwise we will not make it through the approximate 45-60 days from now we'll have to wait for the main portion of the shipment to come over the water as we're probably 2-3 weeks away from a ship date from Japan on the balance of the production. Should we end up short of product for a few days to a week we will be notifying any of those with backorders of a projected ship date. Note that we have limited order sizes through the initial lauch period to try to spread around what we have to as many new customers as possible.

Thanks again for everyone's support. I very much hope you enjoy your new Palomino Blackwings and this day will become a bellwether of good things to come for the future of the the Blackwing.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

9/30- 'Just Because' SALE!

50% off all Spangle 24-packs today only on pencils.com! Choose from a wide range of pencils and get them for half price! Be sure to check in on Thursdays for our 'Just Because' sales because we will have great savings on school and art supplies...Enter Promotional Code: SPANGLE50 at checkout to receive your discount.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

German Pencil Wars

There is an interesting story today in the Wall Street Journal about the "pencil wars" between two historic German companys in our industry. Who's the oldest? Who's the best? Who's the most innovative? Interviews of Count Anton (Toni) Faber-Castel and Axel Marx current MD from Staedtler. I wrote a related post a few years ago about all the pencil company's vying for the title of having produced the biggest pencil in the world. All in good fun.

It's nice to see some mainstream press coverage on the pencil business. Coincidentally, I was just interviewed yesterday by a writer from the Boston Globe who is working on a story about our relaunch of the Blackwing pencil.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Product Update

We are pleased to inform you that the new Palomino Blackwing will officially be available for purchase exclusively at Pencils.com on Friday, October 1st. If you are a registered user/customer at Pencils.com you will be receiving the first of our new Monthly Newsletters early that morning with a direct link to the Palomino Blackwing store items on our site. (note: If you have previously opted out of our e-mail notifications from this list then you will not receive the e-mail Newsletter. Effective Friday, the Palomino Blackwing pencils will also be easily found under both Palomino and Blackwing brand names within the Store Shop by Brand option. We thank you for your patience as we’ve worked to accelerate availability of this product over the past few weeks versus our original plans. For more information about the development of this product and reviews from other blogs visit our Blackwing Coming Soon page for relevant links.

We also have several additional pencils and related drawing supplies scheduled for launch on Pencils.com in the coming month or two. So here’s a brief update on what else is coming your way.

First up, as October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month we are introducing two new motivational pencils with the slogans “Knock out Breast Cancer” and “Erase Breast Cancer”. These will be available in a 12 count pack (6 each slogan) or in Bulk quantities (144 pencils per slogan) and are ideal for any needs you may have in your own local community Breast Cancer awareness projects this year. Pencils.com will be donating a portion of the proceeds from these pencils to Breast Cancer research as well as participating in a local Breast Cancer awareness event donating significant quantities of pencils to Thunder Goes Pink V in our home community of Stockton, CA. We are proud to help the cause and maybe, one pencil at a time, we can help find a cure for Breast Cancer. These will be available for purchase beginning Monday October 4th.

We are also adding a new specialty carpenter pencil sharpener selection courtesy of General’s. This unique sharpener provides a quick and easy means of producing a uniform flat and square point similar to sharpening with a knife along each of the pencil’s four edges.

By mid-October we will be adding several new ‘Green’ products. Green Apple is an Earth friendly brand that offers quality natural finish cedar pencils made from all natural and/or recycled and reclaimed materials. We will initially be adding a 10-count ergonomic triangular #2 pencils made from finger-jointed reclaimed wood as well as their 4-count Jumbo Highlighter dry text pencils. Our first text liner pencil we’ll offer on the site. At the same time we’ll be adding a range of Banana Paper notebooks and sketchbooks, which are environmentally friendly tree-free, acid-free, natural paper and paper products. The paper used in these products is made from 80% post-consumer waste fiber and 20% banana leaf fibers.

Finally, coming toward the end of November we will be expanding further our Palomino orange graphite pencil selection with addition of 4B and 6B grades. These offer a super smooth and extra rich and dark texture to extend from our current 2B limit in Palomino as well as the new Palomino Blackwing pencil.

This is just the beginning of a growing mix of pencils and brands we’ll be offering on Pencils.com as we progress towards the holiday season and on into the New Year. Stay tuned for more details on each product as they are made available in the coming months.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jennifer Maestre- Pencil Art Without Drawing?

Jennifer Maestre has some unusual taste when it comes to art. Visit her personal site to look at more of her sculptures. When I ran across these images, I couldn't help but contact her. She has a great passion for art and I figured that she would be fun to talk with due to her creativity. These pencil sculptures are one of a kind. Not many people have the creative mind to think of assembling pieces of art like these. She needs to be noticed because she uses pencils in a way that nobody else does. I wonder if she can draw...? I guess it doesn't really matter if she can create art like this without having any lead actually touch paper. Thanks Jennifer for these great sculptures and hopefully there are more coming!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reviving the Blackwing: Sales Launch Update

Rather than continuing on schedule with previously planned posts about our design and development process I thought I’d respond to all the inquiries we’re getting about when we’ll actually begin taking orders for the new Palomino Blackwing.

As previously announced, last week we received the expedited air shipment of the first part of our initial production run. Unfortunately final packaging has not yet been completed. Due to customer requests for the new Blacking pencils we have decided to launch without final packaging. Customers who wish to purchase the Palomino Blackwing pencils immediately will receive them in a black gift box (see top photo). We expect to put these up on the site for sale sometime next week pending some other final details we are working through at the moment. We will also offer bulk volumes in our standard one gross quantity boxes (144 pencils). Availability of the Blackwing packaged in our traditional banded dozens format should follow within another two weeks thereafter.

We expect to be able to offer the Palomino Blackwing pencils in the final 12 count package by the end of November once the bakance of the initial run pencils arrive from Japan. The image here shows the latest mockup for this box which has taken into account feedback we received from many of our questionnaire respondents to go with more of a typographical treatment in our package design. We think this is tastefully reminiscent of the classic Blackwing package, not a copy by any means, but fresh and updated to complement the style of the new Palomino Blackwing. We are also in the process of designing new retail packs for the balance of the Palomino product range. This should allow us to begin focusing on some retail placement for both the new Blackwing and broader Palomino product range in early 2011.

Additionally we have just worked out details to produce a limited run of high quality wood box desktop sets especially designed to include 24 Blackwing pencils and a Palomino-KUM long point sharpener. These should be available mid to late November. . . just in time for Christmas.

Finally, we are still also working through a few final costing and pricing analysis details so will not providepricing on these new items until we go live with sales next week.

9/23- 'Just Because' Sale!

Today only…25% off all of our School Planners! We have a variety of planners that can help keep you organized. We know how many assignments are given out throughout a school year, these planners can help you, your students, or your children keep everything in order without getting overwhelmed. Our notebooks are designed for Elementary School (Click here or here), Middle School, and High School students. Take advantage of this deal today because it will not last for long!

Promotional Code: PLANNERS25

Be sure to type in promotional code at checkout to receive discount.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reviving the Blackwing: Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed

Honestly, there was indeed a debate about whether to include this phrase long associated with the Blackwing on our new pencil. Many Blackwing fans seem to feel quite strongly that this slogan should have been used and do associate this slogan directly with the pencils smooth writing performance. One person even referred to our new Palomino Blackwing version using the phrase “One Quarter the Pressure, Twice the Speed” to indicate that, in his opinion, it was smoother than the original.

I have nothing against a good marketing and promotional slogan and I certainly recognized beforehand that “Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed” is loved and well respected. However, I’ll admit I never really understood the logic of this slogan from a purely technical standpoint. Increasing downward writing pressure quite obviously increases friction and thus would slow down the gliding of the pencil across the paper with a given amount of lateral force. The inverse is true as well, reducing pressure increases speed. Thus when applied to downward writing forces this slogan is essentially true regardless of the quality of the graphite and how smooth it is in relation to the graphite cores of other pencils. Alternatively, looking at varying degrees of lateral pressure being applied with a fixed amount of downward force, as smoothness increases the same lateral force certainly would increase speed and I can see the logic that reduced lateral pressure might maintain the same speed, but not necessarily double it. Who can write or draw legibly twice as ast anyway? So it did not strike me as a particularly appropriate slogan when evaluated purely from an scientific, literal standpoint to represent comparative performance advantage versus other pencils or even just smoothness in general.

There are indeed testing devices to measure lead wear rates and lay down samples on pencils as well as ink flow rate on pens. I’ve checked with our lead supplier and there is however no current instrument they use to technically measure smoothness under controlled circumstances, just the experience of their trained staff. Presumably if a proper technical definition of smoothness was determined this could perhaps be evaluated by designing appropriate scientific method and test equipment to statistically measure and demonstrate smoothness performance. (Note: Our CalCedar Research department once developed equipment and conducted a set of studies to scientifically and objectively measure the different forces required to sharpen pencils made of different wood species with different sharpening tools. Being a specialist in wood processing technology and supplier of wood to the pencil industry this makes some sense for us to have pursued this, however we are not a specialist producer of our own graphite cores and have not really considered such tests in developing our new Palomino Blackwing pencil. Remember Adam Smith’s Invisible hand.)

Obviously this is a very theoretical discussion for what really ultimately has more to do with consumer perceptions. I doubt Eberhard Faber ever conducted any studies to scientifically measure and demonstrate smoothness before coining the slogan. Looking up the words “smooth” in the dictionary yields several appropriate synonyms which have been applied to the Blackwing Pencil at times “soft”, “silky”, “velvety” and “effortless” being among the most common. From the concept being portrayed that the Blackwing pencil is more effortless to write with, then the idea that reducing pressure corresponds to a dramatically increased speed may be interpreted that the pencil has characteristics that defy natural forces thus imparting a super-natural type quality. Perhaps this is closer to the originally intended meaning and interpretation for this phrase than my more literal view expressed above, it’s certainly a romantic one. In any event I have no idea who to credit for the inspiration and genesis of the “Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed” slogan. Perhaps it was simply the Mad Men. Who knows?

From a trademark perspective it does not appear that Eberhard Faber ever took action that we could find to protect this phrase. During our cursory evaluation of this topic with counsel we came to no conclusive answer whether it would be worth the effort and expense and if it would ultimately successful in being granted a trademark. Certainly we could have used it without taking such steps but for this and other reasons chose not to.

We did consider alternate slogans that I felt would more directly reflect the Blackwing’s smooth writing performance and would also improve linkage with some of the existing “slogans” related to the Palomino’s performance. (e.g. Ride the Palomino, the smoothest ride around. Or alternately, Smooooth…!, which came from one of our fans in an animation about the Palomino). We’ve also since had several suggestions including some of my favorites: Fast as Light, Dark as Night and Back in Black. Ultimately we rejected printing any slogan as a matter of the economics of dual side printing, and a desire not to offend those who may not like a changed slogan and also consideration for trademark concerns.

As we look ahead to future production the decision of whether to use the “Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed” slogan is currently under re-evaluation though perhaps alternately we should just hold a proper contest for a great new slogan unique to the new Palomino Blackwing and a new generation of pencil fans. Once concept now under consideration is to produce a separate SKU as a classic reproduction version, though when or whether we could support multiple Blackwing items in the line over time really has to be seen with how sales go as we move through the fall. We are now working on last few details before putting up the new Palomino Blackwing for sale on Pencils.com.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Drawing Skies and Clouds

Diane Wright will be contributing more and more lessons on pencils.com! Visit her website for more tutorials or you can even buy her book on landscaping. She has 2 blogs (here and here) that allow commenting...feel free to ask her any questions that you may have.


I use a loose-hold hand position when creating the cross-hatching. I find the just weight of the pencil on the paper will create pencil strokes that are light and consistent.


I cross-hatch 3 layers of graphite onto my paper using the F lead. The first layer is placed horizontal on the surface, the next two layers are diagonal.

Using a chamois wrapped around my index finger, I blend the graphite smooth. Chamois with a firm, and even pressure. It may take several passes with the chamois to create a smooth even tone. Be sure to blend over the edges of the drawing area as well as overlapping the buildings, trees and horizon areas. It is much easier to erase than to add a missed section later.

Avoid touching the surface of the paper with your fingers. It is at this point in the blending process that blemishes or finger prints will magically appear. If they appear, it is very difficult to fix (unless they happen to be in a cloud formation) and many times I just have to start over! I will add 2 more layers of crosshatching with 2H lead and blend with the chamois again. This creates a nice smooth finish. I trim the edges of the drawing using a t-square ruler and an eraser.


I use a Mars plastic eraser with a chisel edge and erase my clouds into the sky. For light wispy clouds I use Blu-Tack and just drag it across the surface.


Use a 2H lead pencil to layer in darker areas next to the whitest tops of the clouds. A tortillon is used to blend in and work in the details. By blending, lifting, erasing and layering in more graphite, the clouds emerge on the paper. I soften the clouds by using the Blu-Tack. To make more dramatic clouds darken the background sky. This allows white cottony clouds to be more fully formed. Keep in mind that unless your drawing’s emphasis is the clouds, they should not compete with the rest of the landscape. They should be subtle and gently lead the viewer’s eye through the scene. Typically I use light wisps and hints of clouds in most of my landscapes. I usually spend 5-8 hours just drawing the sky and cloud areas. PATIENCE is key in creating smooth skies.

Once you possess the basic technique of creating smooth tones and general cloud formations, the sky is the limit to all the possibilities and variations you can create. Every moment... every hour... every day... every season... the sky changes its mood and design, providing us with an unlimited resource of inspiration to our landscapes.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Reviving the Blackwing: Eraser Performance and Design

Ultimately, as we all now understand the story, the breakdown of the specialized ferrule production equipment and the costs to repair or replace the machine factored in the decision by Newell Rubbermaid (Sanford) to discontinue the Blackwing. The economic return did not seem to cover the cost of restarting production given the limited sales for the product and the company’s primary focus on mass market products. Of course, I also doubt anyone ever expected pencil aficionados would eventually be willing to pay from $20 to $40 each for these pencils down the road either. It’s an interesting speculation to consider if armed with such knowledge what new pricing they might have been sufficient to justify the repair or replacement of the machine and continue the product at that time. Who knows if anyone performed such an analysis or just looked at the unit volume and decided to call it quits?

Bringing back the classic ferrule with its flat rectangular, extendable eraser was a key factor for me in deciding to move forward with the Palomino Blackwing. As some fans have noted the Palomino, Mitsubishi Hi-Uni, Tombow Mono, or Staedtler Lumograph brands each have specific grades that compare rather closely to the original 602 performance. Therefore at least to me, without this classic ferrule and eraser design included there could be no return for the Blackwing brand. Finding a vendor that would agree to reproduce the functional eraser assembly to our desired quality standard while protecting our tooling investment and not allowing reproduction for other pencil manufacturers was important to me. Another key decision factor was to obtain a reasonable economic cost relative to standard tipping, even though it was clearly always going to be much more expensive per pencil than regular erasers. Important considerations became the tooling costs investment to be able to produce the assembly components as well as the appropriate minimum order volumes for a given unit cost. Discussions and investigations on this actually took place over a period of a year or more. We did commit however to the tooling cost early on to produce the ferrule (well over a year ago) just so that we could begin to produce some test samples.

At one point after we had paid for the tooling we we’re told we would have to move our original target minimum order size for our first order from 50,000 as originally quoted to 500,000 pieces if we wanted to keep the price unchanged. This just about killed the whole project and created long delays as we assessed whether to proceed or not, considered alternate options and negotiated further. By the standards of most commodity oriented good quality, high volume cedar pencils (e.g. Ticonderoga or Mirado) selling at or around $0.20 to $0.25 each 500,000 pieces is not a very high production figure at all. However, for a niche, high quality item we expected would ultimately have a retail price point, somewhere between $1.50 to $2.00 per pencil, this could be a significant initial inventory investment just for these assemblies, depending on ultimate acceptance of the product. This also raised concerns such as eraser life if initial sell through was not very good. In the end we were able to settle on an initial production run of 100,000 ferrule/eraser assemblies and this coincides with the number of pencils we are producing in this first run for the Palomino Blackwing.

Feedback on the eraser assembly and performance overall has been positive overall. Several reviewers have noted the exceptional care with which the ferrules and erasers are glued, rather than crimped on to the pencil mechanically, and that the flat side of the ferrule/eraser set is oriented so that the imprint is face up. This is not the case with the original Blackwing which has random application angles. In reality the end of each pencil is actually machined down slightly before attaching the eraser assembly vs. standard eraser tipping which more commonly slightly crushes the wood before attatching and crimping on the ferrule and eraser.The Palomino Blackwing erasers are about 25% larger in total cubic volume and 15% wider than those of the original, providing improved eraser surface area. They are also produced with improved materials than the natural rubber/pumice composite materials used in the original Blackwing's erasers. Here I’d like to add a technical note as there have been several comments on blogs referring to the Palomino Blackwing’s eraser as a vinyl eraser. This is not the case and is an inaccurate assumption on the part of those individuals. While vinyl based materials did become more prevalent for art and pencil top eraser use as a replacement for traditional natural rubber based composites, vinyl erasers are actually currently in declining use by the industry. Our erasers are produced using Thermoplastic elastomere (TPE). Thus they are more appropriately called polymer erasers vs. vinyl erasers which are produced using PVC material. The change to TPE from PVC was initiated by the industry to eliminate chloride from the production process and finished product. The vinyl erasers that are most commonly used today are larger hand held block eraser formats. Most pencil top erasers from major brand manufacturers and all those we use in our California Republic product ranges are polymer erasers, even if they are other colors such as more traditional red or pink. For an interesting history of the eraser and technical information about the different materials used over time Staedtler has a very useful resource guide, here.

We did get some feedback that with our darker lead mark than the original Blackwing, erasing with our new eraser still leaves a slight trace of a smudge, or "ghosting". This is another issue we are re-evaluating for future production and are now told by our supplier there is an opportunity to improve on this versus the current eraser we are using in the Palomino Blackwing. However, we have not had a chance to evaluate cost differences or do any actual testing. The current eraser is the same quality as that used on our Palomino HB pencils.

Finally, some traditional fans do seem to prefer the old pink eraser color versus the white version which we selected. Others have suggested black would be very nice as well. Color of the eraser specifically is not really a factor in it's performance though it seems to be a common misconception that a white eraser works better than a red or pink eraser. It all comes down to materials. Performance differences with the original Blackwing certainly have something also to do with the age of these older pencils and the effects of oxidation and exposure to light. At this point I cannot indicate if there will be an eraser color change down the road as this is dependent upon what future cosmetic design changes we might implement for the pencil overall as well.

Diane Wright- New 'Featured Artist' on Pencils.com!

Visit 'Featured Artist' Diane Wright's personal website at www.dianewrightfineart.com. She also frequently posts updates on her blogs: dwrightart.blogspot.com featuring works in progress and dwrightsketches.blogspot.com featuring sketches and drawing tips and techniques.

Diane Wright received her BFA degree with emphasis in Drawing and Printmaking and teaching certification from the University of Northern Iowa in 1981. After she graduated, her career path turned to computer technology and she currently works full-time as an IT Manager for Claim Technologies, Inc in Des Moines IA.

After 20 plus years of devoting her time to her family and career, Diane finally picked up her pencils again in 2002. In just these few short years, she has become an internationally known graphite landscape artist. She has written a book “Drawing Made Easy: Beautiful Landscapes” and has artwork featured in several other art instruction books.

With her teaching background, it comes natural for Diane to offer drawing tutorials on her website and blogs as well as teaching artists her unique pencil techniques. Diane also offers specialized scanning and printing services to fellow graphite artists.

Our Interview with Diane

When did you realize that you wanted to become an artist?

I decided in 2nd grade that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. My favorite subject through out my school years was art and I was awarded a full-tuition art scholarship at UNI for my efforts. Of course, life sometimes has a way of delaying personal goals. But finally in 2002, I picked up my pencils and drawing has become an integral part of my life again. I am passionate about graphite as an art medium. It has an immediacy and timeless quality that no other medium can compare to. I see the world in shades of gray.

What is your favorite drawing?

That’s a tough one to answer. I treat every drawing as a stepping stone to the next one. In each one, I set out a challenge or technique that I want to explore and develop. Landscapes provide endless possibilities of composition, textures, contrasts, light, shadows, vistas, detail, realism to expressive pencil strokes….I could go on and on!

But to answer your question…my favorite drawing is “Honey Creek”. It’s a rendering of a peaceful, meandering creek running through a farm pasture. It holds many childhood memories for me, fishing and daydreaming “down by the creek” on our family farm.

Where do you do most of your drawings?

I would love to say that I draw on location or plein air, but since I work full-time, most of my drawing time is limited to evenings or weekends. I draw in the comfort of my home studio using numerous reference photos. I take most of my own photos but I’ve been able to render realistic landscapes from photos taken by others. I use photos from multiple angles and a bit of research to make sure I understand the terrain and “experience” the scene as though I’ve seen it in person. As I am drawing, I envision myself walking under that tree or hear the leaves rustling in the trees. I’ve visited locations from around the world through my pencil on paper.

Historically, you have done mechanical pencil drawings. Do you like the wood-cased Palomino pencils that you were recently given?

When you first contacted me about trying the Palominos, I really chuckled to myself. I’ve been using mechanical and clutch pencils exclusively since I started drawing again in 2002. I have a drawer full of every popular brand of wooden pencils that I’ve bought and didn’t liked. I didn’t think the Palominos would have a chance but I am so impressed by their high quality wood encasement and the smoothness of the Palomino graphite. The Palominos have converted me. All the things that I have disliked about wooden pencils are now non-existent with these. Sharpening is clean and precise with no breakage (using the Palomino-KUM® Long Point Pencil Sharpener). There is something so organic and natural about using wooden pencils. The line is so much more expressive. Mechanical pencils are well…mechanical. I’m excited about adding the Palominos to my arsenal of drawing tools and look forward to expanding my techniques with them.

Below is a drawing that was done using Palominos.

Silver Reflections

This is the newest creation testing out the Palomino Blackwing pencil.

Agnew Meadows

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Get a grip...on the pencil!

Mike Theuer has a number of great Artist Lessons that can be extremely helpful for anyone interested in art. Visit his website and see what else he can do!

If you don’t have the right grip, your drawings will be flat. For example, my drawings are more than just lines. I also use shadows, dots, squiggles and broad strokes, both bold and light. Variations that add depth. I do these all using different grips. The grips broaden the drawing!

Here are the grips I use.

The Dictator- This grip is tight, pencil-upright and close to the point like the second-grade teacher who clenched her teeth and slapped her hand on my desk trying to teach me penmanship! I use this grip to make lines that are the DARKEST, MOST PRECISE and the FINEST when the point is sharp.

The Dude- The most common and versatile this grip is relaxed, pencil-tilted-back and halfway to the point like a surfer who lives the summer life on one hand but works hard in the water on the other. I use this grip to make lines that are LIGHT or DARK, BRIEF or FLOWING, LOOSE or PRECISE.

The Conductor- This grip is light, pencil-flat and far from the point . . . the farther back from the point the better which is why I use a pencil extender. This grip lets the pencil only lightly touch the paper like a conductor’s baton skirts the air. I use this grip to make LIGHT strokes which can be WIDE when the point is sharp and the lead lays flat on the paper.

The Nun- This grip is like “the Conductor” but with a fore finger on top. Now you have the same reach and the same angle but with a little more downward force like a school nun requires to rap your knuckles with a ruler. I use this grip to make DARK strokes which can be WIDE when the point is sharp and the lead lays flat on the paper.

Thanks for reading. Check back soon. Next time I’ll write about taking your drawing board for a spin. . . . PAY ATTENTION!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reviving the Blackwing: Lacquer Finish & Imprint

This feature set was considered the fourth most important across our six features ranked by our test groups.

Here there is a clear allegiance among traditional Blackwing fans to the historic charcoal or graphite gray gloss finish and imprinting information on the pencil to more closely match that of the original product. Many participants readily admitted technical and overall usage performance is the most important factor, but given a preference they’d go with a finish treatment close to the original 602. Some commented that the Blackwing font itself is different than the original. We did initially try to match exactly the original Blackwing font. During our detailed research on this topic we could not find an exact match, but we learned that it was a variation of a very old German font, which makes sense given the heritage of Eberhard Faber. We selected a more updated font that matched as close as possible without going to more expensive and time consuming efforts to have a designer create an exact match. Additionally, there have been quite a few suggestions to increase the size of the Blackwing name relative to Palomino to make it more characteristic of our treatment of the Palomino brand relative to California Republic brand on our Palomino pencils. The relative font size is a valid point and probably will be corrected in future production pending assessment of some related technical and marketing factors as we consider potential redesign.

My personal view in designing the new Palomino Blackwing pencil has been that a product named Blackwing logically should be finished in black. As mentioned in an earlier post I generally agreed with finish recommendations suggested in that Frankenpencil post and this to some extent guided thinking on this design, though admittedly Lisa was not talking about a new Blackwing pencil, but her ideal “Frankenpencil”. In any event it seemed there was quite a lot of interesting and supportive discussion around this post and with some of these design characteristics so it seemed appropriate to incorporate some of these into our design. The addition of the gold band was simply to keep some added Palomino brand family connection in our pencil range design. Some people have commented they feel the gold band is too much of a departure from the original.

So having decided on a black finish our next choice was whether to go with a higher gloss look more typical of our standard Palominos or alternately a matt finish to provide some further differentiation for this new unique product within our existing Palomino range. The first test samples of each looked excellent and very reflective of our Palomino quality regardless of glossy or matt finish. Ultimately, I chose the matt finish as I wanted some added distinctiveness for the Blackwing vs. the standard Palomino graphite range and some differentiation from the Tombow Mono which is already finished in glossy black. (Despite this we still received a couple comments comparing our new pencil to the Tombow Mono finish which I’ve shown side by side in a photo here.)

Unfortunately, once the initial production began and we later received a couple hundred samples we noticed some very faint foil speckling occurred during imprinting and these tiny foil flakes had been sealed in when the sealer coat was applied. This covering quote was originally intended to protect the foil imprint and band from any further wear from continuous handling during use as is occasionally noted with respect to many pencils. It’s not a process we do with our existing Palomino products and probably should be eliminated for future production. Though we felt the pencils looked very good overall we were not fully satisfied with this characteristic as compared to the samples we approved before initial production. I actually stopped eraser tipping production on the balance of the pencils, but by this time all of the initial production pencils had been imprinted and sealed. My concern was do we release “as is” or not and it was at this time I determined to do a consumer sampling and evaluation to get a gauge on this issue. Among our options was scrapping the initial production and going back to design table before actually launching the product as well as evaluating other potential fixes. I determined this process would be a good opportunity to get broader evaluation of the product for ideas we could incorporate if we ended up doing a complete re-start or to be used for future design modifications if we ended up launching “as is”.

After three weeks of feedback, we have now determined to proceed with the launch of the product “as is”. There were several decision factors, the first and most important being the overall positive response we’re now seeing to the Blackwing Palomino when considered across all of our evaluation groups. Despite a clear preference by many traditional fans for a more classic design and some indications the finish quality is just not quite up to par with Palomino, it appears we have developing demand now with people pressing us for pre-orders regardless of finishing characteristics and we learned that these characteristics consistently did not rate as highly on the scale of importance vs. other product features. Another major factor was that we subsequently determined that going back to the drawing board on design would result in a more extensive production and launch delay than originally anticipated, probably until mid to late 1st quarter 2011. This relates to scheduling issues with our subcontractor as well as to allowing adequate time to address the redesign process, including potential fine tuning of the graphite core formulation. Of course the cost of scrapping or reworking any of these pencils into other products from the initial run if possible was also a relevant decision factor, but not the first priority. I was fully prepared to scrap if I felt this was absolutely the best decision going forward and I’ll stress that our final decision was not self-evident at the point we began the evaluation process.

As previously mentioned we are now moving forward with expediting market availability of the new Palomino Blackwing from our initial run. We expect to have more definitive information next week on pricing and order availability. In the meantime we also have a breif update to our Coming Soon page.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reviving the Blackwing: Graphite Performance

Overall, in our Palomino Blackwing bench test graphite smoothness and graphite wear came out as the first and third most important features of the six specific product features our survey groups were asked to prioritize. The second most important item was considered to be the overall performance of the pencil as a whole. We did not list graphite hardness or darkness as performance features to be rated since these are generally related to wear rate. We did get specific qualitative comments and feedback related to hardness and darkness which we have evaluated as part of this assessment.

Realistically, as much as we all like seeing those images of writing, sketching, and shading and cross hatch gradations, etc. on all these blogs reviews these only serve a limited visual purpose. They do not technically demonstrate smoothness of the core as much as variations in darkness and overall density of graphite mark. They are simply a record providing evidence of a process of personal evaluation.

Perhaps if enlarged enough one might notice respective comparable differences and gradations of fineness in the consistency of graphite material being deposited throughout a stroke across the paper. As my high resolution digital SLR camera was stolen recently and my replacement not yet arrived we’re just using some simple images in this post, others have already well documented their own experimentations. As I’ll discuss a bit further in a few days when we cover the topic of “Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed” we are not aware of any objective, scientific test equipment used in the industry today for measuring “smoothness” of graphite writing cores. So when it comes to smoothness we must rely on the more subjective experience of our test group, our own personal comparisons and the experience of our supplier.

Our control group of experienced Blackwing 602 and other pencil users provided a broad range of feedback on this topic as would be expected. Every individual experiences the tactile and sensory act of writing and drawing with a pencil through their own unique perspective; writing pressure, hand and point positioning vary and is not always consistent even by the same person or differing uses such as drawing and sketching vs. writing. Comments posted on Lexikaliker even mention differences in point angles used for writing in different languages or alphabets. Additionally, variations in the graphite cores of original 602s from different production periods mean some respondents had different reference points for the original Blackwing’s performance. Older Blackwing production dating back to the 1930s exhibit softer-darker cores and more recent stock produced up through and into the 1990s are generally harder with a lighter mark. Unsurprisingly, the range of test group scores on graphite smoothness had the highest deviation of any feature rated. This clearly reflects the higher level of subjective feel and preference to this topic from user to user.

Overall response from both traditional fans and others in our testing groups has been that the new Palomino Blackwing core is as smooth, or smoother than the original and a bit darker. Although some few do feel it’s not as smooth as the original referencing a slight tendency to a crumbly or chalky, carbon pencil like feel. Most everyone felt the wear rate of the new Palomino Blackwing was faster than the original requiring more frequent sharpening making it perhaps less appropriate for writing vs. sketching, drawing, doing puzzles, music scoring or simple note taking. Some also mentioned higher smudginess of our new product as a concern. A few respondents suggested that our HB was a closer match to the original on the hardness-wear rate dimension of performance. Personally when I do extensive writing and note taking in graphite pencil I prefer our Palomino H grade, even to our HB for that specific purpose. Note that Japanese produced cores by comparison have always been softer throughout the HB scale rating vs. European or US production as the Japanese just prefer a softer core overall.

Here is a representative cross section of the qualitative responses from our survey responses good and bad alike. As you can see this reflects a range of impressions we have experienced.

“The core is only very subtly different – with the original Blackwing feeling just a touch smoother and just a little less smudgy.”

“It actually improves on the lead, which I would not have thought possible.”

“The lead is of exquisite smoothness, surpassing that of the original Blackwing. It is quite simply the best lead I have ever tried.”

“I pulled out all my favorite pencils (including the 602) and as it is now, The Palomino Blackwing is one of them. Maybe number 2… I would sacrifice a touch of smoothness for a little better graphite wear.”

“This core is really amazing. It’s as dark and smooth as a gel pen!”

"The point is not as break resistant, crumbles more and wears down much faster, making the pencil less usable for prolonged writing."

“Writing with the new Blackwing is a pleasure. The lead is soft and smooth and doesn’t smear, though now and then a tiny crumb breaks off. The new Blackwing's point wears more quickly than that of the old Blackwing, and the new pencil's line is noticeably darker.”

We also received some questions regarding whether or not we acquired the original formulation and if not why not produce an exact match for the original graphite core down to every last performance detail. Let me state that we have not purchased any technical knowhow associated with the original product specifically including the formulation for the graphite core. The Blackwing has not been produced now in about 12 years. The Lewisburg factory which last produced these cores and finished Blackwing 602 pencils was closed a year ago and production relocated to Newell’s Mexicali facilities. Additionally, our experience is that there has been a high level of turnover in company management and technical personnel over the past 15 years as new acquisitions were integrated, product lines and manufacturing rationalized, successive cost reduction programs implemented, etc. Quite often the most knowledgeable person with respect to production of items such as graphite cores is the actual worker on the production floor. Here formulations may be adjusted based on variations in inbound raw material quality and specific equipment used according to specific knowledge of those floor workers to maintain product within a specified quality range. Given the changes in that company over more than a decade it’s not clear such knowledge and equipment setup at Newell currently exists to perfectly duplicate the original Blackwing lead. Perhaps there may indeed even be a file cabinet somewhere with the specific product formulation; even so it’s unlikely we could have purchased this.

So why didn’t we exactly duplicate the formula through reverse engineering with our very experienced supplier in Japan? This is a reasonable question. However, not a simple and inexpensive process, particularly for a product that was traditionally a low volume niche item. The last producer ceased production partially because a machine simply broke. Returning an investment on a niche item becomes an increasing challenge as total development costs increase. While designing our new product, in choosing between “smoothness” comparability vs. “darkness and wear”, I have always believed that smoothness matters the most in matching the Blackwing. Also, as the Blackwing was a traditional favorite of animators and illustrators - where a nice smooth and dark mark is important to these users - I felt best to err on the side of smoothness and softness of feel over an exact hardness & wear match. So in the end we’ve chosen a close match to the original given the higher weighting we put on “smoothness” and also considered where this particular core would fit in relation to our existing Palomino graphite grades. Our overall consumer feedback supports that we have a high performing product reminiscent of the extremely smooth writing performance of both the original Blackwing 602 and comparable to our Palomino quality range.

In conclusion, there seems to be some general feeling that if we can improve on the wear rate while maintaining the current smoothness that would result in an ideal lead, though clearly we have received high praise for the product as it now is as well. It’s not clear to me if the mark on paper being darker for some people is a specific criticism or simply a byproduct of a slightly softer lead. Despite the technical and cost challenges I’ve just noted, we’ve already taken some initial steps to investigate possible modifications to address hardness and wear without compromising smoothness to see if we can get to a more exact match to the Original. Indeed, we’ve begun preliminary testing with our supplier on another formulation that could be promissing. We have not received pricing information and no decisions or very thorough technical evaluations have been completed at this point in time. We will have to keep you all posted on this matter as this develops.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Reviving the Blackwing: Understanding the Traditional Blackwing Fan

Welcome back. I hope that you’re enjoying this series of posts as we explore our company’s journey to revive the Blackwing. (To catch up if you’re new see Post One and Post Two) As promised today is the day I’ll begin focusing on our growing understanding of the traditional “Blackwing” fan and their concerns and feedback as we’ve been going through our consumer evaluation process of initial Palomino Blackwing production.

Right from the start it was clear that we had a core challenge to address in reviving the Blackwing: How to please the traditional fans with a product that honors the “original” while also developing a new Palomino Blackwing product that complements and extends our Palomino product range and can become economically successful. Ultimately, we developed and produced the product that has been distributed for these consumer evaluations. This product is in part based on my research on the internet of many, many posts about the Blackwing over the last several years. One interesting post related to designing the ideal pencil was Frankenpencil, originally published by Lisa Laughy on her Ninth Wave Designs blog and archived today in the Pencils.com community site. I also considered economic factors, design trends and perhaps a certain degree of personal preference in creating a product that I believe can ultimately be successful as well as share some consistent design elements with our Palomino product range.

So far there has been a strong overall response to the Palomino Blackwing by our testing groups and those requesting preorders. We’ve had scores of e-mails from those ready to buy the product as is now regardless of future changes we may implement, the color of eraser, finish, etc. However, it’s clear from the feedback we are getting on our surveys, blogs and e-mails that many traditional Blackwing fans expect or have a strong preference essentially for almost an exact duplication of the original Blackwing down to the finest of details. Stephan’s Pencil Talk review posted over the weekend, shows the amazing level of detail some Blackwing fans are going to assess this new item. Even down to weighing differences in erasers on a scale and enlarging images of the imprint by 50x or more . I am not sure any wood cased pencil ever has had such a degree of public scrutiny by end consumers before being introduced. Pencil Talk raises the valid comment that our new pencil is not a clone of the original, but a modern interpretation. I think this is a fair representation given my stated intent to “honor the original while extending the Palomino range”.

As good as our new item is the most unwavering Blackwing fans seem to consider it near heresy if we do not provide an exact match to the graphite writing and drawing performance of the original as well as the design and look of the finish, eraser color, etc. Thus some even feel this pencil fails to acheive the goal of "honoring the original". Clearly the smooth writing and drawing graphite performance has always been the most important quality feature, but there are many strong emotional attachments also to the original’s lacquer finish, it’s pink eraser assembly and perhaps more importantly to the phrase “Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed.” One or two even mention the painted band on the ferrule is preferred, though not all versions of the original had this feature. Most traditionalists are very happy that we revived the original classic ferrule and eraser design with the flat, removable eraser and believe we’ve improved on the original in this area.

My next post will begin to address the specific feedback on product featuers and performance, starting with Graphite Performance, and moving on in successive topics daily this week. In the meantime we've now also set up a new Palomino Blackwing page on Pencils.com to serve as a central point for information on this pencil including updates on product availability.